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Terminal Adapter

Also known as "Service Box Connectors", these threaded aluminum adapters are used to join HDPE conduit to a standard electrical service box.
Also known as "Service Box Connectors", these threaded aluminum adapters are used to join HDPE conduit to a standard electrical service box.


  • One end of the adapter is threaded onto the HDPE conduit. The other end fits through standard knockouts in the service box and is secured with the locking rings provided on the adapter
  • Compatible with Dura-Line corrugated duct
  • Adapters are both Plenum and Riser rated under UL-2024 and CSA 22.2
Terminal Adapter

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Información de Kit

Descripción Envasado
0.75" Adaptador para Terminal 1.050" OD Each
1.00" Adaptador para Terminal 1.315" OD Each
1.25" Adaptador para Terminal 1.660" OD Each
1.50" Adaptador para Terminal 1.900" OD Each
2.00" Adaptador para Terminal 2.375" OD Each


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