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Bullet-Line® is a light poly line used in blowing and pulling applications. The line is rated at 210 lbs. breaking strength and is contained in a plastic dispenser pail. Each pail contains 6,500’ (1,981m) of line.
Bullet-Line® is a light poly line used in blowing and pulling applications. The line is rated at 210 lbs. breaking strength and is contained in a plastic dispenser pail. Each pail contains 6,500’ (1,981m) of line.


  • Ready to use with re-sealable cap
  • Resists tangling
  • Fishing systems can draw directly from the pail
  • Use to pull Bull-Line® or rope into conduit
  • Mildew resistant
  • Plastic Pail keeps line dry

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Información del Producto

Descripción Envasado
210 lb Bullet-Line Balde 6500' Each

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